@latticexyz/recs / UpdateType

# Enumeration: UpdateType

Used to specify type of ComponentUpdate.

  • Enter: Update added a value to an entity that did not have a value before
  • Exit: Update removed a value from an entity that had a value before
  • Update: Update changed a value of an entity that already had a value before. Note: the value doesn't need to be different from the previous value.
  • Noop: Update did nothing (removed a value from an entity that did not have a value)

# Table of contents

# Enumeration Members

  • Enter
  • Exit
  • Noop
  • Update

# Enumeration Members

# Enter

Enter = 0

# Defined in


# Exit

Exit = 1

# Defined in


# Noop

Noop = 3

# Defined in


# Update

Update = 2

# Defined in
