# Solidity API

# AccessControl

# hasAccess

function hasAccess(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, address caller) internal view returns (bool)

Returns true if the caller has access to the namespace or name, false otherwise.

# requireAccess

function requireAccess(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, address caller) internal view returns (bytes32 resourceSelector)

Check for access at the given namespace or name. Returns the resourceSelector if the caller has access. Reverts with AccessDenied if the caller has no access.

# requireOwnerOrSelf

function requireOwnerOrSelf(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, address caller) internal view returns (bytes32 resourceSelector)

# Call

# withSender

function withSender(address msgSender, address target, bytes funcSelectorAndArgs, bool delegate, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes)

Call a contract with delegatecall/call and append the given msgSender to the calldata. If the call is successfall, return the returndata as bytes memory. Else, forward the error (with a revert)





# ResourceSelector

# from

function from(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name) internal pure returns (bytes32)

Create a 32-byte resource selector from a namespace and a name.

A ResourceSelector is a 32-byte value that uniquely identifies a resource. The first 16 bytes represent the namespace, the last 16 bytes represent the name.

# from

function from(bytes16 namespace) internal pure returns (bytes32)

Create a 32-byte resource selector from a namespace. The selector points to the namespace's root name.

# getNamespace

function getNamespace(bytes32 resourceSelector) internal pure returns (bytes16)

Get the namespace of a ResourceSelector.

# getName

function getName(bytes32 resourceSelector) internal pure returns (bytes16)

Get the name of a ResourceSelector.

# toString

function toString(bytes32 resourceSelector) internal pure returns (string)

Convert a selector to a string for more readable logs

# toTrimmedString

function toTrimmedString(bytes16 selector) internal pure returns (string)

Convert a selector to a trimmed string (no trailing null ASCII characters)

# System

# Resource

enum Resource {

# World

# constructor

constructor() public

# installRootModule

function installRootModule(contract IModule module, bytes args) public

Install the given root module in the World. Requires the caller to own the root namespace. The module is delegatecalled and installed in the root namespace.

# setRecord

function setRecord(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes32[] key, bytes data) public virtual

Write a record in the table at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to have access to the namespace or name.

# setField

function setField(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes data) public virtual

Write a field in the table at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to have access to the namespace or name.

# pushToField

function pushToField(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes dataToPush) public virtual

Push data to the end of a field in the table at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to have access to the namespace or name.

# updateInField

function updateInField(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, uint256 startByteIndex, bytes dataToSet) public virtual

Update data at startByteIndex of a field in the table at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to have access to the namespace or name.

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes32[] key) public virtual

Delete a record in the table at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to have access to the namespace or name.

# setRecord

function setRecord(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, bytes data) public virtual

Write a record in the table at the given tableId. This overload exists to conform with the IStore interface. Access is checked based on the namespace or name (encoded in the tableId).

# setField

function setField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes data) public virtual

Write a field in the table at the given tableId. This overload exists to conform with the IStore interface. Access is checked based on the namespace or name (encoded in the tableId).

# pushToField

function pushToField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes dataToPush) public

Push data to the end of a field in the table at the given tableId. This overload exists to conform with the IStore interface. Access is checked based on the namespace or name (encoded in the tableId).

# updateInField

function updateInField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, uint256 startByteIndex, bytes dataToSet) public virtual

Update data at startByteIndex of a field in the table at the given tableId. This overload exists to conform with the IStore interface. Access is checked based on the namespace or name (encoded in the tableId).

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key) public virtual

Delete a record in the table at the given tableId. This overload exists to conform with the IStore interface. Access is checked based on the namespace or name (encoded in the tableId).

# call

function call(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes funcSelectorAndArgs) external payable virtual returns (bytes)

Call the system at the given namespace and name. If the system is not public, the caller must have access to the namespace or name.

# _call

function _call(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes funcSelectorAndArgs, uint256 value) internal virtual returns (bytes)

Call the system at the given namespace and name and pass the given value. If the system is not public, the caller must have access to the namespace or name.

# receive

receive() external payable

Allow the World to receive ETH

# fallback

fallback() external payable

Fallback function to call registered function selectors

# WorldContext

# _msgSender

function _msgSender() internal view returns (address sender)

# _world

function _world() internal view returns (address)




bytes16 ROOT_NAME

# IAccessManagementSystem

# grantAccess

function grantAccess(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, address grantee) external

# revokeAccess

function revokeAccess(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, address grantee) external

# IBaseWorld

The IBaseWorld interface includes all systems dynamically added to the World during the deploy process.

# ICoreSystem

# IErrors

# ResourceExists

error ResourceExists(string resource)

# ResourceNotFound

error ResourceNotFound(string resource)

# AccessDenied

error AccessDenied(string resource, address caller)

# InvalidSelector

error InvalidSelector(string resource)

# SystemExists

error SystemExists(address system)

# FunctionSelectorExists

error FunctionSelectorExists(bytes4 functionSelector)

# FunctionSelectorNotFound

error FunctionSelectorNotFound(bytes4 functionSelector)

# ModuleAlreadyInstalled

error ModuleAlreadyInstalled(string module)

# IModule

# RequiredModuleNotFound

error RequiredModuleNotFound(string resourceSelector)

# getName

function getName() external view returns (bytes16 name)

Return the module name as a bytes16.

# install

function install(bytes args) external

A module expects to be called via the World contract, and therefore installs itself on its msg.sender.

# IModuleInstallationSystem

# installModule

function installModule(contract IModule module, bytes args) external

# IStoreRegistrationSystem

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(bytes32 tableId, Schema valueSchema, Schema keySchema) external

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(bytes32 tableId, string tableName, string[] fieldNames) external

# registerStoreHook

function registerStoreHook(bytes32 tableId, contract IStoreHook hook) external

# ISystemHook

# onCallSystem

function onCallSystem(address msgSender, address systemAddress, bytes funcSelectorAndArgs) external

# IUniqueEntitySystem

# uniqueEntity_system_getUniqueEntity

function uniqueEntity_system_getUniqueEntity() external returns (bytes32 uniqueEntity)

# IWorldData

The IWorldData interface includes methods for reading and writing table values. These methods are frequently invoked during runtime, so it is essential to prioritize optimizing their gas cost, and they are part of the World contract's internal bytecode.

# setRecord

function setRecord(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes32[] key, bytes data) external

Write a record in the table at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to have access to the namespace or name.

# setField

function setField(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes data) external

Write a field in the table at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to have access to the namespace or name.

# pushToField

function pushToField(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes dataToPush) external

Push data to the end of a field in the table at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to have access to the namespace or name.

# updateInField

function updateInField(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, uint256 startByteIndex, bytes dataToSet) external

Update data at startByteIndex of a field in the table at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to have access to the namespace or name.

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes32[] key) external

Delete a record in the table at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to have access to the namespace or name.

# IWorldModuleInstallation

# installRootModule

function installRootModule(contract IModule module, bytes args) external

Install the given root module in the World. Requires the caller to own the root namespace. The module is delegatecalled and installed in the root namespace.

# IWorldCall

# call

function call(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes funcSelectorAndArgs) external payable returns (bytes)

Call the system at the given namespace and name. If the system is not public, the caller must have access to the namespace or name.

# IWorldKernel

The IWorldKernel interface includes all methods that are part of the World contract's internal bytecode.

Consumers should use the IBaseWorld interface instead, which includes dynamically registered functions selectors from the CoreModule.

# IWorldRegistrationSystem

# registerNamespace

function registerNamespace(bytes16 namespace) external

# registerTable

function registerTable(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, Schema valueSchema, Schema keySchema) external returns (bytes32 resourceSelector)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, string tableName, string[] fieldNames) external

# registerHook

function registerHook(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, address hook) external

# registerTableHook

function registerTableHook(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, contract IStoreHook hook) external

# registerSystemHook

function registerSystemHook(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, contract ISystemHook hook) external

# registerSystem

function registerSystem(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, contract System system, bool publicAccess) external returns (bytes32 resourceSelector)

# registerFunctionSelector

function registerFunctionSelector(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, string systemFunctionName, string systemFunctionArguments) external returns (bytes4 worldFunctionSelector)

# registerRootFunctionSelector

function registerRootFunctionSelector(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes4 worldFunctionSelector, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector) external returns (bytes4)

# CoreModule

The CoreModule registers internal World tables, the CoreSystem, and its function selectors.

Note: This module is required to be delegatecalled (via World.registerRootSystem), because it needs to install root tables, systems and function selectors.

# coreSystem

address coreSystem

# getName

function getName() public pure returns (bytes16)

Return the module name as a bytes16.

# install

function install(bytes) public

# _registerCoreTables

function _registerCoreTables() internal

Register core tables in the World

# _registerCoreSystem

function _registerCoreSystem() internal

Register the CoreSystem in the World

# _registerFunctionSelectors

function _registerFunctionSelectors() internal

Register function selectors for all CoreSystem functions in the World

# CoreSystem

The CoreSystem includes all World functionality that is externalized from the World contract to keep the World contract's bytecode as lean as possible.





# AccessManagementSystem

Granting and revoking access from/to resources.

# grantAccess

function grantAccess(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, address grantee) public virtual

Grant access to the resource at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to own the namespace.

# revokeAccess

function revokeAccess(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, address grantee) public virtual

Revoke access from the resource at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to own the namespace.

# ModuleInstallationSystem

Installation of (non-root) modules in the World.

# installModule

function installModule(contract IModule module, bytes args) public

Install the given module at the given namespace in the World.

# StoreRegistrationSystem

World framework implementation of IStoreRegistration.


# registerSchema

function registerSchema(bytes32 tableId, Schema valueSchema, Schema keySchema) public virtual

Register the given schema for the given table id. This overload exists to conform with the IStore interface. Access is checked based on the namespace or name (encoded in the tableId).

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(bytes32 tableId, string tableName, string[] fieldNames) public virtual

Register metadata (tableName, fieldNames) for the table at the given tableId. This overload exists to conform with the IStore interface. Access is checked based on the namespace or name (encoded in the tableId).

# registerStoreHook

function registerStoreHook(bytes32 tableId, contract IStoreHook hook) public virtual

Register a hook for the table at the given tableId. This overload exists to conform with the IStore interface. Access is checked based on the namespace or name (encoded in the tableId).

# WorldRegistrationSystem

Functions related to registering resources in the World.

# registerNamespace

function registerNamespace(bytes16 namespace) public virtual

Register a new namespace

# registerTable

function registerTable(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, Schema valueSchema, Schema keySchema) public virtual returns (bytes32 resourceSelector)

Register a table with given schema in the given namespace

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, string tableName, string[] fieldNames) public virtual

Register metadata (tableName, fieldNames) for the table at the given namespace and name. Requires the caller to own the namespace.

# registerHook

function registerHook(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, address hook) public virtual

Register the given store hook for the table at the given namespace and name. Hooks on table names must implement the IStoreHook interface, and hooks on system names must implement the ISystemHook interface.

# registerTableHook

function registerTableHook(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, contract IStoreHook hook) public virtual

Register a hook for the table at the given namepace and name. Requires the caller to own the namespace.

# registerSystemHook

function registerSystemHook(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, contract ISystemHook hook) public virtual

Register a hook for the system at the given namespace and name

# registerSystem

function registerSystem(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, contract System system, bool publicAccess) public virtual returns (bytes32 resourceSelector)

Register the given system in the given namespace. If the namespace doesn't exist yet, it is registered. The system is granted access to its namespace, so it can write to any table in the same namespace. If publicAccess is true, no access control check is performed for calling the system.

# registerFunctionSelector

function registerFunctionSelector(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, string systemFunctionName, string systemFunctionArguments) public returns (bytes4 worldFunctionSelector)

Register a World function selector for the given namespace, name and system function. TODO: instead of mapping to a resource, the function selector could map direcly to a system function, which would save one sload per call, but add some complexity to upgrading systems. TBD. (see https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/issues/444)

# registerRootFunctionSelector

function registerRootFunctionSelector(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes4 worldFunctionSelector, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector) public returns (bytes4)

Register a root World function selector (without namespace / name prefix). Requires the caller to own the root namespace. TODO: instead of mapping to a resource, the function selector could map direcly to a system function, which would save one sload per call, but add some complexity to upgrading systems. TBD. (see https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/issues/444)

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# FunctionSelectorsTableId

bytes32 FunctionSelectorsTableId

# FunctionSelectors

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# getNamespace

function getNamespace(bytes4 functionSelector) internal view returns (bytes16 namespace)

Get namespace

# getNamespace

function getNamespace(contract IStore _store, bytes4 functionSelector) internal view returns (bytes16 namespace)

Get namespace (using the specified store)

# setNamespace

function setNamespace(bytes4 functionSelector, bytes16 namespace) internal

Set namespace

# setNamespace

function setNamespace(contract IStore _store, bytes4 functionSelector, bytes16 namespace) internal

Set namespace (using the specified store)

# getName

function getName(bytes4 functionSelector) internal view returns (bytes16 name)

Get name

# getName

function getName(contract IStore _store, bytes4 functionSelector) internal view returns (bytes16 name)

Get name (using the specified store)

# setName

function setName(bytes4 functionSelector, bytes16 name) internal

Set name

# setName

function setName(contract IStore _store, bytes4 functionSelector, bytes16 name) internal

Set name (using the specified store)

# getSystemFunctionSelector

function getSystemFunctionSelector(bytes4 functionSelector) internal view returns (bytes4 systemFunctionSelector)

Get systemFunctionSelector

# getSystemFunctionSelector

function getSystemFunctionSelector(contract IStore _store, bytes4 functionSelector) internal view returns (bytes4 systemFunctionSelector)

Get systemFunctionSelector (using the specified store)

# setSystemFunctionSelector

function setSystemFunctionSelector(bytes4 functionSelector, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector) internal

Set systemFunctionSelector

# setSystemFunctionSelector

function setSystemFunctionSelector(contract IStore _store, bytes4 functionSelector, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector) internal

Set systemFunctionSelector (using the specified store)

# get

function get(bytes4 functionSelector) internal view returns (bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector)

Get the full data

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes4 functionSelector) internal view returns (bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector)

Get the full data (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes4 functionSelector, bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector) internal

Set the full data using individual values

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes4 functionSelector, bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector) internal

Set the full data using individual values (using the specified store)

# decode

function decode(bytes _blob) internal pure returns (bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector)

Decode the tightly packed blob using this table's schema

# encode

function encode(bytes16 namespace, bytes16 name, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes4 functionSelector) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes4 functionSelector) internal

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# ResourceTypeTableId

bytes32 ResourceTypeTableId

# ResourceType

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# get

function get(bytes32 resourceSelector) internal view returns (enum Resource resourceType)

Get resourceType

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector) internal view returns (enum Resource resourceType)

Get resourceType (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 resourceSelector, enum Resource resourceType) internal

Set resourceType

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector, enum Resource resourceType) internal

Set resourceType (using the specified store)

# encode

function encode(enum Resource resourceType) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 resourceSelector) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector) internal

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# SystemRegistryTableId

bytes32 SystemRegistryTableId

# SystemRegistry

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# get

function get(address system) internal view returns (bytes32 resourceSelector)

Get resourceSelector

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, address system) internal view returns (bytes32 resourceSelector)

Get resourceSelector (using the specified store)

# set

function set(address system, bytes32 resourceSelector) internal

Set resourceSelector

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, address system, bytes32 resourceSelector) internal

Set resourceSelector (using the specified store)

# encode

function encode(bytes32 resourceSelector) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(address system) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, address system) internal

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# SystemsTableId

bytes32 SystemsTableId

# Systems

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# getSystem

function getSystem(bytes32 resourceSelector) internal view returns (address system)

Get system

# getSystem

function getSystem(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector) internal view returns (address system)

Get system (using the specified store)

# setSystem

function setSystem(bytes32 resourceSelector, address system) internal

Set system

# setSystem

function setSystem(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector, address system) internal

Set system (using the specified store)

# getPublicAccess

function getPublicAccess(bytes32 resourceSelector) internal view returns (bool publicAccess)

Get publicAccess

# getPublicAccess

function getPublicAccess(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector) internal view returns (bool publicAccess)

Get publicAccess (using the specified store)

# setPublicAccess

function setPublicAccess(bytes32 resourceSelector, bool publicAccess) internal

Set publicAccess

# setPublicAccess

function setPublicAccess(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector, bool publicAccess) internal

Set publicAccess (using the specified store)

# get

function get(bytes32 resourceSelector) internal view returns (address system, bool publicAccess)

Get the full data

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector) internal view returns (address system, bool publicAccess)

Get the full data (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 resourceSelector, address system, bool publicAccess) internal

Set the full data using individual values

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector, address system, bool publicAccess) internal

Set the full data using individual values (using the specified store)

# decode

function decode(bytes _blob) internal pure returns (address system, bool publicAccess)

Decode the tightly packed blob using this table's schema

# encode

function encode(address system, bool publicAccess) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 resourceSelector) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector) internal

# freeFunction

freeFunction _toBool(uint8 value) internal pure returns (bool result)

# KeysWithValueHook

This is a very naive and inefficient implementation for now. We can optimize this by adding support for setIndexOfField in Store and then replicate logic from solecs's Set.sol. (See https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/issues/444)

Note: if a table with composite keys is used, only the first key is indexed

# onSetRecord

function onSetRecord(bytes32 sourceTableId, bytes32[] key, bytes data) public

# onBeforeSetField

function onBeforeSetField(bytes32 sourceTableId, bytes32[] key, uint8, bytes) public

# onAfterSetField

function onAfterSetField(bytes32 sourceTableId, bytes32[] key, uint8, bytes) public

# onDeleteRecord

function onDeleteRecord(bytes32 sourceTableId, bytes32[] key) public

# _removeKeyFromList

function _removeKeyFromList(bytes32 targetTableId, bytes32 key, bytes32 valueHash) internal

# KeysWithValueModule

This module deploys a hook that is called when a value is set in the sourceTableId provided in the install methods arguments. The hook keeps track of the keys that map to a given value. from value to list of keys with this value. This mapping is stored in a table registered by the module at the targetTableId provided in the install methods arguments.

Note: if a table with composite keys is used, only the first key is indexed

Note: this module currently expects to be delegatecalled via World.installRootModule. Support for installing it via World.installModule depends on World.callFrom being implemented.

# hook

contract KeysWithValueHook hook

# getName

function getName() public pure returns (bytes16)

Return the module name as a bytes16.

# install

function install(bytes args) public

A module expects to be called via the World contract, and therefore installs itself on its msg.sender.



# freeFunction

freeFunction getKeysWithValue(bytes32 tableId, bytes value) internal view returns (bytes32[] keysWithValue)

Get a list of keys with the given value.

Note: this util can only be called within the context of a Store (e.g. from a System or Module). For usage outside of a Store, use the overload that takes an explicit store argument.

# freeFunction

freeFunction getKeysWithValue(contract IStore store, bytes32 tableId, bytes value) internal view returns (bytes32[] keysWithValue)

Get a list of keys with the given value for the given store.

# KeysWithValue

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(bytes32 _tableId) internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(bytes32 _tableId) internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# get

function get(bytes32 _tableId, bytes32 valueHash) internal view returns (bytes32[] keysWithValue)

Get keysWithValue

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId, bytes32 valueHash) internal view returns (bytes32[] keysWithValue)

Get keysWithValue (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 _tableId, bytes32 valueHash, bytes32[] keysWithValue) internal

Set keysWithValue

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId, bytes32 valueHash, bytes32[] keysWithValue) internal

Set keysWithValue (using the specified store)

# push

function push(bytes32 _tableId, bytes32 valueHash, bytes32 _element) internal

Push an element to keysWithValue

# push

function push(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId, bytes32 valueHash, bytes32 _element) internal

Push an element to keysWithValue (using the specified store)

# update

function update(bytes32 _tableId, bytes32 valueHash, uint256 _index, bytes32 _element) internal

Update an element of keysWithValue at _index

# update

function update(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId, bytes32 valueHash, uint256 _index, bytes32 _element) internal

Update an element of keysWithValue (using the specified store) at _index

# encode

function encode(bytes32[] keysWithValue) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 _tableId, bytes32 valueHash) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId, bytes32 valueHash) internal

# UniqueEntityModule

This module creates a table that stores a nonce, and a public system that returns an incremented nonce each time.

# uniqueEntitySystem

contract UniqueEntitySystem uniqueEntitySystem

# getName

function getName() public pure returns (bytes16)

Return the module name as a bytes16.

# install

function install(bytes) public

# UniqueEntitySystem

# getUniqueEntity

function getUniqueEntity() public virtual returns (bytes32)

Increment and get an entity nonce.








bytes16 TABLE_NAME

# freeFunction

freeFunction getUniqueEntity() internal returns (bytes32 uniqueEntity)

Increment and get an entity nonce.

Note: this util can only be called within the context of a World (e.g. from a System or Module). For usage outside of a World, use the overload that takes an explicit store argument.

# freeFunction

freeFunction getUniqueEntity(contract IBaseWorld world) internal returns (bytes32 uniqueEntity)

Increment and get an entity nonce.

# UniqueEntity

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(bytes32 _tableId) internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(bytes32 _tableId) internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# get

function get(bytes32 _tableId) internal view returns (uint256 value)

Get value

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId) internal view returns (uint256 value)

Get value (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 _tableId, uint256 value) internal

Set value

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId, uint256 value) internal

Set value (using the specified store)

# encode

function encode(uint256 value) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 _tableId) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes32 _tableId) internal

# ArrayLib

# includes

function includes(bytes32[] arr, bytes32 element) internal pure returns (bool)

# filter

function filter(bytes32[] arr, bytes32 element) internal pure returns (bytes32[])

# freeFunction

freeFunction getTargetTableSelector(bytes8 moduleNamespace, bytes32 sourceTableId) internal pure returns (bytes32)

Get a deterministic selector for the reverse mapping table for the given source table. The selector is constructed as follows:

  • The first 8 bytes are the module namespace
  • The next 8 bytes are the first 8 bytes of the source table namespace -- This is to avoid collisions between tables with the same name in different namespaces (Note that collisions are still possible if the first 8 bytes of the namespace are the same, in which case installing the module fails)
  • The last 16 bytes are the source table name

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# InstalledModulesTableId

bytes32 InstalledModulesTableId

# InstalledModulesData

struct InstalledModulesData {
  address moduleAddress;

# InstalledModules

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# getModuleAddress

function getModuleAddress(bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash) internal view returns (address moduleAddress)

Get moduleAddress

# getModuleAddress

function getModuleAddress(contract IStore _store, bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash) internal view returns (address moduleAddress)

Get moduleAddress (using the specified store)

# setModuleAddress

function setModuleAddress(bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash, address moduleAddress) internal

Set moduleAddress

# setModuleAddress

function setModuleAddress(contract IStore _store, bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash, address moduleAddress) internal

Set moduleAddress (using the specified store)

# get

function get(bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash) internal view returns (struct InstalledModulesData _table)

Get the full data

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash) internal view returns (struct InstalledModulesData _table)

Get the full data (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash, address moduleAddress) internal

Set the full data using individual values

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash, address moduleAddress) internal

Set the full data using individual values (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash, struct InstalledModulesData _table) internal

Set the full data using the data struct

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash, struct InstalledModulesData _table) internal

Set the full data using the data struct (using the specified store)

# decode

function decode(bytes _blob) internal pure returns (struct InstalledModulesData _table)

Decode the tightly packed blob using this table's schema

# encode

function encode(address moduleAddress) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes16 moduleName, bytes32 argumentsHash) internal

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# NamespaceOwnerTableId

bytes32 NamespaceOwnerTableId

# NamespaceOwner

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# get

function get(bytes16 namespace) internal view returns (address owner)

Get owner

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes16 namespace) internal view returns (address owner)

Get owner (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes16 namespace, address owner) internal

Set owner

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes16 namespace, address owner) internal

Set owner (using the specified store)

# encode

function encode(address owner) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes16 namespace) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes16 namespace) internal

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# ResourceAccessTableId

bytes32 ResourceAccessTableId

# ResourceAccess

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# get

function get(bytes32 resourceSelector, address caller) internal view returns (bool access)

Get access

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector, address caller) internal view returns (bool access)

Get access (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 resourceSelector, address caller, bool access) internal

Set access

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector, address caller, bool access) internal

Set access (using the specified store)

# encode

function encode(bool access) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 resourceSelector, address caller) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes32 resourceSelector, address caller) internal

# freeFunction

freeFunction _toBool(uint8 value) internal pure returns (bool result)