# Solidity API

# Bytes

# toBytes32

function toBytes32(bytes input, uint256 offset) internal pure returns (bytes32 output)

Converts a bytes memory blob to a single bytes32 memory value, starting at the given byte offset.

# equals

function equals(bytes a, bytes b) internal pure returns (bool)

# setLength

function setLength(bytes input, uint256 length) internal pure returns (bytes)

In-place set the length of a bytes memory value.

# setBytes1

function setBytes1(bytes32 input, uint256 index, bytes1 overwrite) internal pure returns (bytes32 output)

Overwrite a single byte of a bytes32 value and return the new value.

# setBytes2

function setBytes2(bytes32 input, uint256 index, bytes2 overwrite) internal pure returns (bytes32 output)

Overwrite two bytes of a bytes32 value and return the new value.

# setBytes4

function setBytes4(bytes32 input, uint256 index, bytes4 overwrite) internal pure returns (bytes32 output)

Overwrite four bytes of a bytes32 value and return the new value.

# setBytes4

function setBytes4(bytes input, uint256 offset, bytes4 overwrite) internal pure returns (bytes)

In-place overwrite four bytes of a bytes memory value.

# slice1

function slice1(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes1)

Slice bytes to bytes1 without copying data

# slice1

function slice1(bytes32 data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes1)

# slice2

function slice2(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes2)

Slice bytes to bytes2 without copying data

# slice2

function slice2(bytes32 data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes2)

# slice3

function slice3(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes3)

Slice bytes to bytes3 without copying data

# slice4

function slice4(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes4)

Slice bytes to bytes4 without copying data

# slice4

function slice4(bytes32 data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes4)

# slice5

function slice5(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes5)

Slice bytes to bytes5 without copying data

# slice6

function slice6(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes6)

Slice bytes to bytes6 without copying data

# slice7

function slice7(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes7)

Slice bytes to bytes7 without copying data

# slice8

function slice8(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes8)

Slice bytes to bytes8 without copying data

# slice9

function slice9(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes9)

Slice bytes to bytes9 without copying data

# slice10

function slice10(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes10)

Slice bytes to bytes10 without copying data

# slice11

function slice11(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes11)

Slice bytes to bytes11 without copying data

# slice12

function slice12(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes12)

Slice bytes to bytes12 without copying data

# slice13

function slice13(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes13)

Slice bytes to bytes13 without copying data

# slice14

function slice14(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes14)

Slice bytes to bytes14 without copying data

# slice15

function slice15(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes15)

Slice bytes to bytes15 without copying data

# slice16

function slice16(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes16)

Slice bytes to bytes16 without copying data

# slice17

function slice17(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes17)

Slice bytes to bytes17 without copying data

# slice18

function slice18(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes18)

Slice bytes to bytes18 without copying data

# slice19

function slice19(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes19)

Slice bytes to bytes19 without copying data

# slice20

function slice20(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes20)

Slice bytes to bytes20 without copying data

# slice21

function slice21(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes21)

Slice bytes to bytes21 without copying data

# slice22

function slice22(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes22)

Slice bytes to bytes22 without copying data

# slice23

function slice23(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes23)

Slice bytes to bytes23 without copying data

# slice24

function slice24(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes24)

Slice bytes to bytes24 without copying data

# slice25

function slice25(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes25)

Slice bytes to bytes25 without copying data

# slice26

function slice26(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes26)

Slice bytes to bytes26 without copying data

# slice27

function slice27(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes27)

Slice bytes to bytes27 without copying data

# slice28

function slice28(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes28)

Slice bytes to bytes28 without copying data

# slice29

function slice29(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes29)

Slice bytes to bytes29 without copying data

# slice30

function slice30(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes30)

Slice bytes to bytes30 without copying data

# slice31

function slice31(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes31)

Slice bytes to bytes31 without copying data

# slice32

function slice32(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (bytes32)

Slice bytes to bytes32 without copying data

# IErrors

# StoreCore_TableAlreadyExists

error StoreCore_TableAlreadyExists(bytes32 tableId, string tableIdString)

# StoreCore_TableNotFound

error StoreCore_TableNotFound(bytes32 tableId, string tableIdString)

# StoreCore_NotImplemented

error StoreCore_NotImplemented()

# StoreCore_NotDynamicField

error StoreCore_NotDynamicField()

# StoreCore_InvalidDataLength

error StoreCore_InvalidDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 received)

# StoreCore_InvalidFieldNamesLength

error StoreCore_InvalidFieldNamesLength(uint256 expected, uint256 received)

# StoreCore_DataIndexOverflow

error StoreCore_DataIndexOverflow(uint256 length, uint256 received)

# IStoreRead

# getSchema

function getSchema(bytes32 table) external view returns (Schema schema)

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema(bytes32 table) external view returns (Schema schema)

# getRecord

function getRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key) external view returns (bytes data)

# getRecord

function getRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, Schema schema) external view returns (bytes data)

# getField

function getField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex) external view returns (bytes data)

# isStore

function isStore() external view

# IStoreWrite

# StoreSetRecord

event StoreSetRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, bytes data)

# StoreSetField

event StoreSetField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes data)

# StoreDeleteRecord

event StoreDeleteRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key)

# setRecord

function setRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, bytes data) external

# setField

function setField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes data) external

# pushToField

function pushToField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes dataToPush) external

# updateInField

function updateInField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, uint256 startByteIndex, bytes dataToSet) external

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key) external

# IStoreData

The IStoreData interface includes methods for reading and writing table values. These methods are frequently invoked during runtime, so it is essential to prioritize optimizing their gas cost

# IStoreRegistration

The IStoreRegistration interface includes methods for managing table schemas, metadata, and hooks, which are usually called once in the setup phase of an application, making them less performance critical than the IStoreData methods.

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(bytes32 table, Schema schema, Schema keySchema) external

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(bytes32 table, string tableName, string[] fieldNames) external

# registerStoreHook

function registerStoreHook(bytes32 table, contract IStoreHook hook) external

# IStore

# IStoreHook

# onSetRecord

function onSetRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, bytes data) external

# onBeforeSetField

function onBeforeSetField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes data) external

# onAfterSetField

function onAfterSetField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes data) external

# onDeleteRecord

function onDeleteRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key) external

# Memory

# load

function load(uint256 memoryPointer) internal pure returns (bytes32 data)

# load

function load(uint256 memoryPointer, uint256 offset) internal pure returns (bytes32 data)

# dataPointer

function dataPointer(bytes data) internal pure returns (uint256 memoryPointer)

# lengthPointer

function lengthPointer(bytes data) internal pure returns (uint256 memoryPointer)

# store

function store(uint256 memoryPointer, bytes32 value) internal pure

# copy

function copy(uint256 fromPointer, uint256 toPointer, uint256 length) internal view

# PackedCounter

# PackedCounterLib

# pack

function pack(uint16[] counters) internal pure returns (PackedCounter)

Encode the given counters into a single packed counter

  • 4 bytes for the accumulated length
  • 2 bytes per counter -> max 14 counters

# pack

function pack(uint16 a) internal pure returns (PackedCounter)

# pack

function pack(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (PackedCounter)

# pack

function pack(uint16 a, uint16 b, uint16 c) internal pure returns (PackedCounter)

# pack

function pack(uint16 a, uint16 b, uint16 c, uint16 d) internal pure returns (PackedCounter)

# total

function total(PackedCounter packedCounter) internal pure returns (uint256)

Decode the accumulated counter (first four bytes of packed counter)

# atIndex

function atIndex(PackedCounter packedCounter, uint256 index) internal pure returns (uint256)

Decode the counter at the given index (two bytes per counter after the first four bytes)

# setAtIndex

function setAtIndex(PackedCounter packedCounter, uint256 index, uint256 newValueAtIndex) internal pure returns (PackedCounter)

Set a counter at the given index, return the new packed counter

# unwrap

function unwrap(PackedCounter packedCounter) internal pure returns (bytes32)

# Schema

# SchemaLib

# SchemaLib_InvalidLength

error SchemaLib_InvalidLength(uint256 length)

# SchemaLib_StaticTypeAfterDynamicType

error SchemaLib_StaticTypeAfterDynamicType()

# encode

function encode(enum SchemaType[] _schema) internal pure returns (Schema)

Encode the given schema into a single bytes32

# encode

function encode(enum SchemaType a) internal pure returns (Schema)

# encode

function encode(enum SchemaType a, enum SchemaType b) internal pure returns (Schema)

# encode

function encode(enum SchemaType a, enum SchemaType b, enum SchemaType c) internal pure returns (Schema)

# encode

function encode(enum SchemaType a, enum SchemaType b, enum SchemaType c, enum SchemaType d) internal pure returns (Schema)

# encode

function encode(enum SchemaType a, enum SchemaType b, enum SchemaType c, enum SchemaType d, enum SchemaType e) internal pure returns (Schema)

# encode

function encode(enum SchemaType a, enum SchemaType b, enum SchemaType c, enum SchemaType d, enum SchemaType e, enum SchemaType f) internal pure returns (Schema)

# staticDataLength

function staticDataLength(Schema schema) internal pure returns (uint256)

Get the length of the static data for the given schema

# atIndex

function atIndex(Schema schema, uint256 index) internal pure returns (enum SchemaType)

Get the type of the data for the given schema at the given index

# numDynamicFields

function numDynamicFields(Schema schema) internal pure returns (uint8)

Get the number of dynamic length fields for the given schema

# numStaticFields

function numStaticFields(Schema schema) internal pure returns (uint8)

Get the number of static fields for the given schema

# numFields

function numFields(Schema schema) internal pure returns (uint8)

Get the total number of fields for the given schema

# isEmpty

function isEmpty(Schema schema) internal pure returns (bool)

Check if the given schema is empty

# validate

function validate(Schema schema, bool allowEmpty) internal pure

# unwrap

function unwrap(Schema schema) internal pure returns (bytes32)

Unwrap the schema

# Slice

# SliceLib

# Slice_OutOfBounds

error Slice_OutOfBounds(bytes data, uint256 start, uint256 end)


uint256 MASK_LEN


uint256 MASK_PTR

# fromBytes

function fromBytes(bytes data) internal pure returns (Slice)

Converts a bytes array to a slice (without copying data)

# getSubslice

function getSubslice(bytes data, uint256 start) internal pure returns (Slice)

Subslice a bytes array using the given start index until the end of the array (without copying data)

# getSubslice

function getSubslice(bytes data, uint256 start, uint256 end) internal pure returns (Slice)

Subslice a bytes array using the given indexes (without copying data) The start index is inclusive, the end index is exclusive

# SliceInstance

# pointer

function pointer(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint256)

Returns the pointer to the start of a slice

# length

function length(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint256)

Returns the slice length in bytes

# toBytes

function toBytes(Slice self) internal view returns (bytes data)

Copies the slice to a new bytes array The slice will NOT point to the new bytes array

# toBytes32

function toBytes32(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes32 result)

# Storage

TODO Probably not fully optimized (see https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/issues/444)

# store

function store(uint256 storagePointer, bytes data) internal

# store

function store(uint256 storagePointer, bytes32 data) internal

# store

function store(uint256 storagePointer, uint256 offset, bytes data) internal

# store

function store(uint256 storagePointer, uint256 offset, uint256 memoryPointer, uint256 length) internal

Stores raw bytes to storage at the given storagePointer and offset (keeping the rest of the word intact)

# load

function load(uint256 storagePointer) internal view returns (bytes32 word)

# load

function load(uint256 storagePointer, uint256 length) internal view returns (bytes)

# load

function load(uint256 storagePointer, uint256 length, uint256 offset) internal view returns (bytes result)

Load raw bytes from storage at the given storagePointer, offset, and length

# load

function load(uint256 storagePointer, uint256 length, uint256 offset, uint256 memoryPointer) internal view

Append raw bytes from storage at the given storagePointer, offset, and length to the given memoryPointer

# StoreCore

# StoreSetRecord

event StoreSetRecord(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, bytes data)

# StoreSetField

event StoreSetField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes data)

# StoreDeleteRecord

event StoreDeleteRecord(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key)

# initialize

function initialize() internal

Initialize internal tables. Consumers must call this function in their constructor. TODO: should we turn the schema table into a "proper table" and register it here? (see https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/issues/444)

# getSchema

function getSchema(bytes32 tableId) internal view returns (Schema schema)

Get the schema for the given tableId

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema(bytes32 tableId) internal view returns (Schema keySchema)

Get the key schema for the given tableId

# hasTable

function hasTable(bytes32 tableId) internal view returns (bool)

Check if a table with the given tableId exists

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(bytes32 tableId, Schema valueSchema, Schema keySchema) internal

Register a new tableId schema

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(bytes32 tableId, string tableName, string[] fieldNames) internal

Set metadata for a given tableId

# registerStoreHook

function registerStoreHook(bytes32 tableId, contract IStoreHook hook) internal

# setRecord

function setRecord(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, bytes data) internal

Set full data record for the given tableId and key tuple (static and dynamic data)

# setField

function setField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes data) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key) internal

# pushToField

function pushToField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes dataToPush) internal

# updateInField

function updateInField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, uint256 startByteIndex, bytes dataToSet) internal

# getRecord

function getRecord(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key) internal view returns (bytes)

Get full record (all fields, static and dynamic data) for the given tableId and key tuple (loading schema from storage)

# getRecord

function getRecord(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, Schema schema) internal view returns (bytes)

Get full record (all fields, static and dynamic data) for the given tableId and key tuple, with the given schema

# getField

function getField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex) internal view returns (bytes)

Get a single field from the given tableId and key tuple (loading schema from storage)

# getField

function getField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, Schema schema) internal view returns (bytes)

Get a single field from the given tableId and key tuple, with the given schema

# StoreCoreInternal


bytes32 SLOT



# _getSchema

function _getSchema(bytes32 tableId) internal view returns (Schema)

# _getKeySchema

function _getKeySchema(bytes32 tableId) internal view returns (Schema)

# _registerSchemaUnchecked

function _registerSchemaUnchecked(bytes32 tableId, Schema valueSchema, Schema keySchema) internal

Register a new tableId schema without validity checks

# _setStaticField

function _setStaticField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, Schema schema, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes data) internal

# _setDynamicField

function _setDynamicField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, Schema schema, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes data) internal

# _pushToDynamicField

function _pushToDynamicField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, Schema schema, uint8 schemaIndex, bytes dataToPush) internal

# _setDynamicFieldItem

function _setDynamicFieldItem(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, Schema schema, uint8 schemaIndex, uint256 startByteIndex, bytes dataToSet) internal

# _getStaticData

function _getStaticData(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint256 memoryPointer) internal view

Get full static record for the given tableId and key tuple (loading schema's static length from storage)

# _getStaticData

function _getStaticData(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint256 length, uint256 memoryPointer) internal view

Get full static data for the given tableId and key tuple, with the given static length

# _getStaticField

function _getStaticField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, Schema schema) internal view returns (bytes)

Get a single static field from the given tableId and key tuple, with the given schema

# _getDynamicField

function _getDynamicField(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex, Schema schema) internal view returns (bytes)

Get a single dynamic field from the given tableId and key tuple, with the given schema

# _getStaticDataLocation

function _getStaticDataLocation(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key) internal pure returns (uint256)

Compute the storage location based on tableId id and index tuple

# _getStaticDataOffset

function _getStaticDataOffset(Schema schema, uint8 schemaIndex) internal pure returns (uint256)

Get storage offset for the given schema and (static length) index

# _getDynamicDataLocation

function _getDynamicDataLocation(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex) internal pure returns (uint256)

Compute the storage location based on tableId id and index tuple

# _getDynamicDataLengthLocation

function _getDynamicDataLengthLocation(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key) internal pure returns (uint256)

Compute the storage location for the length of the dynamic data

# _loadEncodedDynamicDataLength

function _loadEncodedDynamicDataLength(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key) internal view returns (PackedCounter)

Get the length of the dynamic data for the given schema and index

# _setDynamicDataLengthAtIndex

function _setDynamicDataLengthAtIndex(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 dynamicSchemaIndex, uint256 newLengthAtIndex) internal

Set the length of the dynamic data (in bytes) for the given schema and index

# _setPartialDynamicData

function _setPartialDynamicData(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[] key, uint8 dynamicSchemaIndex, uint256 startByteIndex, bytes partialData) internal

Modify a part of the dynamic field's data (without changing the field's length)

# StoreCoreExtended

# getRecord

function getRecord(bytes32 tableId, bytes32 _key) internal view returns (bytes)

# getData

function getData(bytes32 tableId, bytes32[2] _key) internal view returns (bytes)

# StoreRead

# constructor

constructor() public

# getSchema

function getSchema(bytes32 table) public view virtual returns (Schema schema)

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema(bytes32 table) public view virtual returns (Schema schema)

# getRecord

function getRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key) public view virtual returns (bytes data)

# getRecord

function getRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, Schema schema) public view virtual returns (bytes data)

# getField

function getField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 schemaIndex) public view virtual returns (bytes data)

# isStore

function isStore() public view

# StoreReadWithStubs

StoreReadWithStubs is not abstract and has signatures for all IStore methods, but only implements read methods (inheriting from StoreRead), so it can be used as IStore mock for testing or when write methods are not needed.

# StoreReadWithStubs_NotImplemented

error StoreReadWithStubs_NotImplemented()

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(bytes32, Schema, Schema) public virtual

Not implemented in StoreReadWithStubs

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(bytes32, string, string[]) public virtual

Not implemented in StoreReadWithStubs

# setRecord

function setRecord(bytes32, bytes32[], bytes) public virtual

Not implemented in StoreReadWithStubs

# setField

function setField(bytes32, bytes32[], uint8, bytes) public virtual

Not implemented in StoreReadWithStubs

# pushToField

function pushToField(bytes32, bytes32[], uint8, bytes) public virtual

Not implemented in StoreReadWithStubs

# updateInField

function updateInField(bytes32, bytes32[], uint8, uint256, bytes) public virtual

Not implemented in StoreReadWithStubs

# registerStoreHook

function registerStoreHook(bytes32, contract IStoreHook) public virtual

Not implemented in StoreReadWithStubs

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32, bytes32[]) public virtual

Not implemented in StoreReadWithStubs

# StoreSwitch

Call IStore functions on self or msg.sender, depending on whether the call is a delegatecall or regular call.

# StoreSwitch_InvalidInsideConstructor

error StoreSwitch_InvalidInsideConstructor()

# isDelegateCall

function isDelegateCall() internal view returns (bool success)

Detect whether the current call is a delegatecall or regular call. (The isStore method doesn't return a value to save gas, but it if exists, the call will succeed.)

# inferStoreAddress

function inferStoreAddress() internal view returns (address)

# registerStoreHook

function registerStoreHook(bytes32 table, contract IStoreHook hook) internal

# getSchema

function getSchema(bytes32 table) internal view returns (Schema schema)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(bytes32 table, string tableName, string[] fieldNames) internal

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(bytes32 table, Schema schema, Schema keySchema) internal

# setRecord

function setRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, bytes data) internal

# setField

function setField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 fieldIndex, bytes data) internal

# pushToField

function pushToField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 fieldIndex, bytes dataToPush) internal

# updateInField

function updateInField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 fieldIndex, uint256 startByteIndex, bytes dataToSet) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key) internal

# getRecord

function getRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key) internal view returns (bytes)

# getRecord

function getRecord(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, Schema schema) internal view returns (bytes)

# getField

function getField(bytes32 table, bytes32[] key, uint8 fieldIndex) internal view returns (bytes)

# TableId

# toString

function toString(bytes32 tableId) internal pure returns (string)

# Utils

# divCeil

function divCeil(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256)

# leftMask

function leftMask(uint256 byteLength) internal pure returns (uint256)

Adapted from https://github.com/dk1a/solidity-stringutils/blob/main/src/utils/mem.sol#L149-L167

_Left-aligned byte mask (e.g. for partial mload/mstore). For byteLength >= 32 returns type(uint256).max

length 0: 0x000000...000000 length 1: 0xff0000...000000 length 2: 0xffff00...000000 ... length 30: 0xffffff...ff0000 length 31: 0xffffff...ffff00 length 32+: 0xffffff...ffffff_

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# CallbacksTableId

bytes32 CallbacksTableId

# Callbacks

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# get

function get(bytes32 key) internal view returns (bytes24[] value)

Get value

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal view returns (bytes24[] value)

Get value (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 key, bytes24[] value) internal

Set value

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, bytes24[] value) internal

Set value (using the specified store)

# push

function push(bytes32 key, bytes24 _element) internal

Push an element to value

# push

function push(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, bytes24 _element) internal

Push an element to value (using the specified store)

# update

function update(bytes32 key, uint256 _index, bytes24 _element) internal

Update an element of value at _index

# update

function update(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint256 _index, bytes24 _element) internal

Update an element of value (using the specified store) at _index

# encode

function encode(bytes24[] value) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 key) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# HooksTableId

bytes32 HooksTableId

# Hooks

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# get

function get(bytes32 key) internal view returns (address[] value)

Get value

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal view returns (address[] value)

Get value (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 key, address[] value) internal

Set value

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, address[] value) internal

Set value (using the specified store)

# push

function push(bytes32 key, address _element) internal

Push an element to value

# push

function push(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, address _element) internal

Push an element to value (using the specified store)

# update

function update(bytes32 key, uint256 _index, address _element) internal

Update an element of value at _index

# update

function update(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint256 _index, address _element) internal

Update an element of value (using the specified store) at _index

# encode

function encode(address[] value) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 key) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# MixedTableId

bytes32 MixedTableId

# MixedData

struct MixedData {
  uint32 u32;
  uint128 u128;
  uint32[] a32;
  string s;

# Mixed

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# getU32

function getU32(bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint32 u32)

Get u32

# getU32

function getU32(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint32 u32)

Get u32 (using the specified store)

# setU32

function setU32(bytes32 key, uint32 u32) internal

Set u32

# setU32

function setU32(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint32 u32) internal

Set u32 (using the specified store)

# getU128

function getU128(bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint128 u128)

Get u128

# getU128

function getU128(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint128 u128)

Get u128 (using the specified store)

# setU128

function setU128(bytes32 key, uint128 u128) internal

Set u128

# setU128

function setU128(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint128 u128) internal

Set u128 (using the specified store)

# getA32

function getA32(bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint32[] a32)

Get a32

# getA32

function getA32(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint32[] a32)

Get a32 (using the specified store)

# setA32

function setA32(bytes32 key, uint32[] a32) internal

Set a32

# setA32

function setA32(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint32[] a32) internal

Set a32 (using the specified store)

# pushA32

function pushA32(bytes32 key, uint32 _element) internal

Push an element to a32

# pushA32

function pushA32(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint32 _element) internal

Push an element to a32 (using the specified store)

# updateA32

function updateA32(bytes32 key, uint256 _index, uint32 _element) internal

Update an element of a32 at _index

# updateA32

function updateA32(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint256 _index, uint32 _element) internal

Update an element of a32 (using the specified store) at _index

# getS

function getS(bytes32 key) internal view returns (string s)

Get s

# getS

function getS(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal view returns (string s)

Get s (using the specified store)

# setS

function setS(bytes32 key, string s) internal

Set s

# setS

function setS(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, string s) internal

Set s (using the specified store)

# pushS

function pushS(bytes32 key, string _slice) internal

Push a slice to s

# pushS

function pushS(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, string _slice) internal

Push a slice to s (using the specified store)

# updateS

function updateS(bytes32 key, uint256 _index, string _slice) internal

Update a slice of s at _index

# updateS

function updateS(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint256 _index, string _slice) internal

Update a slice of s (using the specified store) at _index

# get

function get(bytes32 key) internal view returns (struct MixedData _table)

Get the full data

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal view returns (struct MixedData _table)

Get the full data (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 key, uint32 u32, uint128 u128, uint32[] a32, string s) internal

Set the full data using individual values

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint32 u32, uint128 u128, uint32[] a32, string s) internal

Set the full data using individual values (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 key, struct MixedData _table) internal

Set the full data using the data struct

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, struct MixedData _table) internal

Set the full data using the data struct (using the specified store)

# decode

function decode(bytes _blob) internal view returns (struct MixedData _table)

Decode the tightly packed blob using this table's schema

# encode

function encode(uint32 u32, uint128 u128, uint32[] a32, string s) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 key) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# StoreMetadataTableId

bytes32 StoreMetadataTableId

# StoreMetadataData

struct StoreMetadataData {
  string tableName;
  bytes abiEncodedFieldNames;

# StoreMetadata

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# getTableName

function getTableName(bytes32 tableId) internal view returns (string tableName)

Get tableName

# getTableName

function getTableName(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId) internal view returns (string tableName)

Get tableName (using the specified store)

# setTableName

function setTableName(bytes32 tableId, string tableName) internal

Set tableName

# setTableName

function setTableName(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId, string tableName) internal

Set tableName (using the specified store)

# pushTableName

function pushTableName(bytes32 tableId, string _slice) internal

Push a slice to tableName

# pushTableName

function pushTableName(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId, string _slice) internal

Push a slice to tableName (using the specified store)

# updateTableName

function updateTableName(bytes32 tableId, uint256 _index, string _slice) internal

Update a slice of tableName at _index

# updateTableName

function updateTableName(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId, uint256 _index, string _slice) internal

Update a slice of tableName (using the specified store) at _index

# getAbiEncodedFieldNames

function getAbiEncodedFieldNames(bytes32 tableId) internal view returns (bytes abiEncodedFieldNames)

Get abiEncodedFieldNames

# getAbiEncodedFieldNames

function getAbiEncodedFieldNames(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId) internal view returns (bytes abiEncodedFieldNames)

Get abiEncodedFieldNames (using the specified store)

# setAbiEncodedFieldNames

function setAbiEncodedFieldNames(bytes32 tableId, bytes abiEncodedFieldNames) internal

Set abiEncodedFieldNames

# setAbiEncodedFieldNames

function setAbiEncodedFieldNames(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId, bytes abiEncodedFieldNames) internal

Set abiEncodedFieldNames (using the specified store)

# pushAbiEncodedFieldNames

function pushAbiEncodedFieldNames(bytes32 tableId, bytes _slice) internal

Push a slice to abiEncodedFieldNames

# pushAbiEncodedFieldNames

function pushAbiEncodedFieldNames(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId, bytes _slice) internal

Push a slice to abiEncodedFieldNames (using the specified store)

# updateAbiEncodedFieldNames

function updateAbiEncodedFieldNames(bytes32 tableId, uint256 _index, bytes _slice) internal

Update a slice of abiEncodedFieldNames at _index

# updateAbiEncodedFieldNames

function updateAbiEncodedFieldNames(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId, uint256 _index, bytes _slice) internal

Update a slice of abiEncodedFieldNames (using the specified store) at _index

# get

function get(bytes32 tableId) internal view returns (struct StoreMetadataData _table)

Get the full data

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId) internal view returns (struct StoreMetadataData _table)

Get the full data (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 tableId, string tableName, bytes abiEncodedFieldNames) internal

Set the full data using individual values

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId, string tableName, bytes abiEncodedFieldNames) internal

Set the full data using individual values (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 tableId, struct StoreMetadataData _table) internal

Set the full data using the data struct

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId, struct StoreMetadataData _table) internal

Set the full data using the data struct (using the specified store)

# decode

function decode(bytes _blob) internal view returns (struct StoreMetadataData _table)

Decode the tightly packed blob using this table's schema

# encode

function encode(string tableName, bytes abiEncodedFieldNames) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 tableId) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes32 tableId) internal

# _tableId

bytes32 _tableId

# Vector2TableId

bytes32 Vector2TableId

# Vector2Data

struct Vector2Data {
  uint32 x;
  uint32 y;

# Vector2

# getSchema

function getSchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

Get the table's schema

# getKeySchema

function getKeySchema() internal pure returns (Schema)

# getMetadata

function getMetadata() internal pure returns (string, string[])

Get the table's metadata

# registerSchema

function registerSchema() internal

Register the table's schema

# registerSchema

function registerSchema(contract IStore _store) internal

Register the table's schema (using the specified store)

# setMetadata

function setMetadata() internal

Set the table's metadata

# setMetadata

function setMetadata(contract IStore _store) internal

Set the table's metadata (using the specified store)

# getX

function getX(bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint32 x)

Get x

# getX

function getX(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint32 x)

Get x (using the specified store)

# setX

function setX(bytes32 key, uint32 x) internal

Set x

# setX

function setX(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint32 x) internal

Set x (using the specified store)

# getY

function getY(bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint32 y)

Get y

# getY

function getY(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint32 y)

Get y (using the specified store)

# setY

function setY(bytes32 key, uint32 y) internal

Set y

# setY

function setY(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint32 y) internal

Set y (using the specified store)

# get

function get(bytes32 key) internal view returns (struct Vector2Data _table)

Get the full data

# get

function get(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal view returns (struct Vector2Data _table)

Get the full data (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 key, uint32 x, uint32 y) internal

Set the full data using individual values

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, uint32 x, uint32 y) internal

Set the full data using individual values (using the specified store)

# set

function set(bytes32 key, struct Vector2Data _table) internal

Set the full data using the data struct

# set

function set(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key, struct Vector2Data _table) internal

Set the full data using the data struct (using the specified store)

# decode

function decode(bytes _blob) internal pure returns (struct Vector2Data _table)

Decode the tightly packed blob using this table's schema

# encode

function encode(uint32 x, uint32 y) internal view returns (bytes)

Tightly pack full data using this table's schema

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(bytes32 key) internal

# deleteRecord

function deleteRecord(contract IStore _store, bytes32 key) internal

# DecodeSlice

# decodeArray_uint8

function decodeArray_uint8(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint8[] output)

# decodeArray_uint16

function decodeArray_uint16(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint16[] output)

# decodeArray_uint24

function decodeArray_uint24(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint24[] output)

# decodeArray_uint32

function decodeArray_uint32(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint32[] output)

# decodeArray_uint40

function decodeArray_uint40(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint40[] output)

# decodeArray_uint48

function decodeArray_uint48(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint48[] output)

# decodeArray_uint56

function decodeArray_uint56(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint56[] output)

# decodeArray_uint64

function decodeArray_uint64(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint64[] output)

# decodeArray_uint72

function decodeArray_uint72(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint72[] output)

# decodeArray_uint80

function decodeArray_uint80(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint80[] output)

# decodeArray_uint88

function decodeArray_uint88(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint88[] output)

# decodeArray_uint96

function decodeArray_uint96(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint96[] output)

# decodeArray_uint104

function decodeArray_uint104(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint104[] output)

# decodeArray_uint112

function decodeArray_uint112(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint112[] output)

# decodeArray_uint120

function decodeArray_uint120(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint120[] output)

# decodeArray_uint128

function decodeArray_uint128(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint128[] output)

# decodeArray_uint136

function decodeArray_uint136(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint136[] output)

# decodeArray_uint144

function decodeArray_uint144(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint144[] output)

# decodeArray_uint152

function decodeArray_uint152(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint152[] output)

# decodeArray_uint160

function decodeArray_uint160(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint160[] output)

# decodeArray_uint168

function decodeArray_uint168(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint168[] output)

# decodeArray_uint176

function decodeArray_uint176(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint176[] output)

# decodeArray_uint184

function decodeArray_uint184(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint184[] output)

# decodeArray_uint192

function decodeArray_uint192(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint192[] output)

# decodeArray_uint200

function decodeArray_uint200(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint200[] output)

# decodeArray_uint208

function decodeArray_uint208(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint208[] output)

# decodeArray_uint216

function decodeArray_uint216(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint216[] output)

# decodeArray_uint224

function decodeArray_uint224(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint224[] output)

# decodeArray_uint232

function decodeArray_uint232(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint232[] output)

# decodeArray_uint240

function decodeArray_uint240(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint240[] output)

# decodeArray_uint248

function decodeArray_uint248(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint248[] output)

# decodeArray_uint256

function decodeArray_uint256(Slice self) internal pure returns (uint256[] output)

# decodeArray_int8

function decodeArray_int8(Slice self) internal pure returns (int8[] output)

# decodeArray_int16

function decodeArray_int16(Slice self) internal pure returns (int16[] output)

# decodeArray_int24

function decodeArray_int24(Slice self) internal pure returns (int24[] output)

# decodeArray_int32

function decodeArray_int32(Slice self) internal pure returns (int32[] output)

# decodeArray_int40

function decodeArray_int40(Slice self) internal pure returns (int40[] output)

# decodeArray_int48

function decodeArray_int48(Slice self) internal pure returns (int48[] output)

# decodeArray_int56

function decodeArray_int56(Slice self) internal pure returns (int56[] output)

# decodeArray_int64

function decodeArray_int64(Slice self) internal pure returns (int64[] output)

# decodeArray_int72

function decodeArray_int72(Slice self) internal pure returns (int72[] output)

# decodeArray_int80

function decodeArray_int80(Slice self) internal pure returns (int80[] output)

# decodeArray_int88

function decodeArray_int88(Slice self) internal pure returns (int88[] output)

# decodeArray_int96

function decodeArray_int96(Slice self) internal pure returns (int96[] output)

# decodeArray_int104

function decodeArray_int104(Slice self) internal pure returns (int104[] output)

# decodeArray_int112

function decodeArray_int112(Slice self) internal pure returns (int112[] output)

# decodeArray_int120

function decodeArray_int120(Slice self) internal pure returns (int120[] output)

# decodeArray_int128

function decodeArray_int128(Slice self) internal pure returns (int128[] output)

# decodeArray_int136

function decodeArray_int136(Slice self) internal pure returns (int136[] output)

# decodeArray_int144

function decodeArray_int144(Slice self) internal pure returns (int144[] output)

# decodeArray_int152

function decodeArray_int152(Slice self) internal pure returns (int152[] output)

# decodeArray_int160

function decodeArray_int160(Slice self) internal pure returns (int160[] output)

# decodeArray_int168

function decodeArray_int168(Slice self) internal pure returns (int168[] output)

# decodeArray_int176

function decodeArray_int176(Slice self) internal pure returns (int176[] output)

# decodeArray_int184

function decodeArray_int184(Slice self) internal pure returns (int184[] output)

# decodeArray_int192

function decodeArray_int192(Slice self) internal pure returns (int192[] output)

# decodeArray_int200

function decodeArray_int200(Slice self) internal pure returns (int200[] output)

# decodeArray_int208

function decodeArray_int208(Slice self) internal pure returns (int208[] output)

# decodeArray_int216

function decodeArray_int216(Slice self) internal pure returns (int216[] output)

# decodeArray_int224

function decodeArray_int224(Slice self) internal pure returns (int224[] output)

# decodeArray_int232

function decodeArray_int232(Slice self) internal pure returns (int232[] output)

# decodeArray_int240

function decodeArray_int240(Slice self) internal pure returns (int240[] output)

# decodeArray_int248

function decodeArray_int248(Slice self) internal pure returns (int248[] output)

# decodeArray_int256

function decodeArray_int256(Slice self) internal pure returns (int256[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes1

function decodeArray_bytes1(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes1[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes2

function decodeArray_bytes2(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes2[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes3

function decodeArray_bytes3(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes3[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes4

function decodeArray_bytes4(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes4[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes5

function decodeArray_bytes5(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes5[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes6

function decodeArray_bytes6(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes6[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes7

function decodeArray_bytes7(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes7[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes8

function decodeArray_bytes8(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes8[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes9

function decodeArray_bytes9(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes9[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes10

function decodeArray_bytes10(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes10[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes11

function decodeArray_bytes11(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes11[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes12

function decodeArray_bytes12(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes12[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes13

function decodeArray_bytes13(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes13[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes14

function decodeArray_bytes14(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes14[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes15

function decodeArray_bytes15(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes15[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes16

function decodeArray_bytes16(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes16[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes17

function decodeArray_bytes17(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes17[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes18

function decodeArray_bytes18(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes18[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes19

function decodeArray_bytes19(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes19[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes20

function decodeArray_bytes20(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes20[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes21

function decodeArray_bytes21(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes21[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes22

function decodeArray_bytes22(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes22[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes23

function decodeArray_bytes23(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes23[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes24

function decodeArray_bytes24(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes24[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes25

function decodeArray_bytes25(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes25[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes26

function decodeArray_bytes26(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes26[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes27

function decodeArray_bytes27(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes27[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes28

function decodeArray_bytes28(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes28[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes29

function decodeArray_bytes29(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes29[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes30

function decodeArray_bytes30(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes30[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes31

function decodeArray_bytes31(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes31[] output)

# decodeArray_bytes32

function decodeArray_bytes32(Slice self) internal pure returns (bytes32[] output)

# decodeArray_address

function decodeArray_address(Slice self) internal pure returns (address[] output)

# decodeArray_bool

function decodeArray_bool(Slice self) internal pure returns (bool[] output)

# decodeArray_SchemaType

function decodeArray_SchemaType(Slice self) internal pure returns (enum SchemaType[] output)

# EncodeArray

# encode

function encode(uint8[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint16[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint24[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint32[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint40[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint48[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint56[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint64[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint72[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint80[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint88[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint96[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint104[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint112[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint120[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint128[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint136[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint144[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint152[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint160[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint168[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint176[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint184[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint192[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint200[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint208[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint216[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint224[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint232[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint240[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint248[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(uint256[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int8[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int16[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int24[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int32[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int40[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int48[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int56[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int64[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int72[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int80[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int88[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int96[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int104[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int112[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int120[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int128[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int136[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int144[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int152[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int160[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int168[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int176[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int184[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int192[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int200[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int208[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int216[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int224[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int232[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int240[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int248[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(int256[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes1[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes2[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes3[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes4[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes5[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes6[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes7[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes8[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes9[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes10[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes11[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes12[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes13[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes14[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes15[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes16[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes17[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes18[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes19[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes20[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes21[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes22[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes23[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes24[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes25[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes26[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes27[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes28[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes29[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes30[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes31[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes32[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(address[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bool[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(enum SchemaType[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

# encode

function encode(bytes[] input) internal pure returns (bytes output)

Converts a bytes memory array to a single bytes memory value. TODO: optimize gas cost

# TightCoder

# _encodeToLocation

function _encodeToLocation(bytes32[] array, Slice packedSlice, uint256 elementSize, bool leftAligned) private pure

_Copies the array to the location of packedSlice, tightly packing it using the given size per element (in bytes)

TODO this function is currently not used externally and will be changed in the future (see https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/issues/444)_

# encode

function encode(bytes32[] array, uint256 elementSize, bool leftAligned) internal pure returns (bytes data)

Copies the array to a new bytes array, tightly packing it using the given size per element (in bytes)

# decode

function decode(Slice packedSlice, uint256 elementSize, bool leftAligned) internal pure returns (bytes32[] array)

Unpacks the slice to a new memory location and lays it out like a memory array with the given size per element (in bytes)

Name Type Description
array bytes32[] a generic array, needs to be casted to the expected type using assembly