# Solidity API

# AddressBareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, address value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (address)

# AddressComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, address value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (address)

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(address value) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# BoolBareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (bool)

# BoolComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity) public

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (bool)

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(bool value) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# Coord

struct Coord {
  int32 x;
  int32 y;

# CoordBareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, struct Coord value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (struct Coord)

# Coord

struct Coord {
  int32 x;
  int32 y;

# CoordComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, struct Coord value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (struct Coord)

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(struct Coord coord) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# FunctionSelector

struct FunctionSelector {
  address contr;
  bytes4 func;

# FunctionBareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, struct FunctionSelector value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (struct FunctionSelector)

# freeFunction

freeFunction staticcallFunctionSelector(struct FunctionSelector functionSelector, bytes args) internal view returns (bool, bytes)

# FunctionSelector

struct FunctionSelector {
  address contr;
  bytes4 func;

# FunctionComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, struct FunctionSelector value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (struct FunctionSelector)

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(struct FunctionSelector value) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# freeFunction

freeFunction staticcallFunctionSelector(struct FunctionSelector functionSelector, bytes args) internal view returns (bool, bytes)

# Int32BareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, int32 value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (int32)

# Int32Component

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, int32 value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (int32)

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(int32 value) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# StringArrayBareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, string[] value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (string[])

# StringArrayComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, string[] value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (string[])

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(string[] value) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# StringBareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, string value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (string)

# StringComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, string value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (string)

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(string value) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# SystemCallback

struct SystemCallback {
  uint256 systemId;
  bytes args;

# SystemCallbackBareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, struct SystemCallback value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (struct SystemCallback)

# freeFunction

freeFunction executeSystemCallback(contract IWorld world, struct SystemCallback cb) internal returns (bytes)

Queries world.systems() for cb.systemId, then executes the system with cb.args.

# SystemCallbackComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, struct SystemCallback value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (struct SystemCallback)

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(struct SystemCallback value) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# Uint256ArrayBareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, uint256[] value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# Uint256ArrayComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, uint256[] value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(uint256 value) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# Uint256BareComponent

Reference implementation of a component storing a uint256 value for each entity.

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, uint256 value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (uint256)

# Uint32ArrayBareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, uint32[] value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (uint32[])

# Uint32ArrayComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, uint32[] value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (uint32[])

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(uint32[] value) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# Uint32BareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, uint32 value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (uint32)

# Uint32Component

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, uint32 value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (uint32)

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(uint32 value) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# VoxelCoord

struct VoxelCoord {
  int32 x;
  int32 y;
  int32 z;

# VoxelCoordComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, struct VoxelCoord value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (struct VoxelCoord)

# VoxelCoord

struct VoxelCoord {
  int32 x;
  int32 y;
  int32 z;

# VoxelCoordComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world, uint256 id) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, struct VoxelCoord value) public virtual

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view virtual returns (struct VoxelCoord)

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(struct VoxelCoord coord) public view virtual returns (uint256[])

# LibUtils

# toHex

function toHex(bytes data) internal pure returns (bytes res)

# arrayContains

function arrayContains(uint256[] arr, uint256 value) internal pure returns (bool)

# safeDelegateCall

function safeDelegateCall(address addr, bytes callData) internal returns (bytes)

# distanceBetween

function distanceBetween(contract IUint256Component components, uint256 e1, uint256 e2, uint256 positionComponentId) internal view returns (int32)

# manhattan

function manhattan(struct Coord a, struct Coord b) internal pure returns (int32)

# getEntityAt

function getEntityAt(contract IUint256Component components, struct Coord position, uint256 positionComponentId) internal view returns (uint256, bool found)

# getEntityAt

function getEntityAt(contract World world, struct Coord position, uint256 positionComponentId) internal view returns (uint256, bool found)

# getEntityWithAt

function getEntityWithAt(contract IUint256Component components, uint256 componentID, struct Coord position, uint256 positionComponentId) internal view returns (uint256 entity, bool found)

# getEntityWithAt

function getEntityWithAt(contract World world, uint256 componentID, struct Coord position, uint256 positionComponentId) internal view returns (uint256 entity, bool found)

# ID

uint256 ID

# ECSEvent

struct ECSEvent {
  uint8 component;
  uint32 entity;
  bytes value;

# BulkSetStateSystem

# constructor

constructor(contract IWorld _world, address _components) public

# requirement

function requirement(bytes) public view returns (bytes)

# execute

function execute(bytes args) public returns (bytes)

# executeTyped

function executeTyped(uint256[] componentIds, uint256[] entities, struct ECSEvent[] state) external returns (bytes)

# ID

uint256 ID

# ComponentDevSystem

# constructor

constructor(contract IWorld _world, address _components) public

# requirement

function requirement(bytes) public view returns (bytes)

# execute

function execute(bytes args) public returns (bytes)

# executeTyped

function executeTyped(uint256 componentId, uint256 entity, bytes value) public returns (bytes)

# ID

uint256 ID

# UpgradableSystem

# implementation

address implementation

# constructor

constructor(contract IWorld _world, address _components) public

# execute

function execute(bytes args) public payable returns (bytes)

# upgrade

function upgrade(address impl) public

# _delegate

function _delegate(address impl) internal

From https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/v4.7.3/contracts/proxy/Proxy.sol

_Delegates the current call to implementation.

This function does not return to its internal call site, it will return directly to the external caller._

# ComponentTest

# vm

contract Vm vm

# users

address payable[] users

# boolComponent

contract BoolComponent boolComponent

# BoolID

uint256 BoolID

# boolBareComponent

contract BoolBareComponent boolBareComponent

# BoolBareID

uint256 BoolBareID

# uint256Component

contract Uint256Component uint256Component

# Uint256ID

uint256 Uint256ID

# uint256BareComponent

contract Uint256BareComponent uint256BareComponent

# Uint256BareID

uint256 Uint256BareID

# coordComponent

contract CoordComponent coordComponent

# CoordID

uint256 CoordID

# coordBareComponent

contract CoordBareComponent coordBareComponent

# CoordBareID

uint256 CoordBareID

# testComponent

contract TestComponent testComponent

# testBareComponent

contract TestBareComponent testBareComponent

# setUp

function setUp() public

# testBaseComponentGas

function testBaseComponentGas() public

# testStructComponentGas

function testStructComponentGas() public

# IDeploy

# deploy

function deploy(address deployer) external returns (contract IWorld world)

# MudTest

# vm

contract Vm vm

# utils

contract Utilities utils

# alice

address payable alice

# bob

address payable bob

# eve

address payable eve

# deployer

address deployer

# world

contract IWorld world

# components

contract IUint256Component components

# systems

contract IUint256Component systems

# deploy

contract IDeploy deploy

# constructor

constructor(contract IDeploy _deploy) public

# component

function component(uint256 id) public view returns (address)

# system

function system(uint256 id) public view returns (address)

# setUp

function setUp() public virtual

# MudV2Test

# worldAddress

address worldAddress

# setUp

function setUp() public virtual

# SystemCallbackComponentTest

# vm

contract Vm vm

# world

contract World world

# uint256BareComponent

contract Uint256BareComponent uint256BareComponent

# Uint256BareID

uint256 Uint256BareID

# systemCallbackBareComponent

contract SystemCallbackBareComponent systemCallbackBareComponent

# systemCallbackComponent

contract SystemCallbackComponent systemCallbackComponent

# system

contract TestSystem system

# TestSystemID

uint256 TestSystemID

# entity

uint256 entity

# entities

uint256[] entities

# values

bytes[] values

# setUp

function setUp() public

# testGetAndExecuteSystemCallbackBare

function testGetAndExecuteSystemCallbackBare() public

# testGetAndExecuteSystemCallback

function testGetAndExecuteSystemCallback() public

# _cbForGas

function _cbForGas() internal returns (struct SystemCallback)

# testSystemCallbackGas

function testSystemCallbackGas() public

# testSystemCallbackBareGas

function testSystemCallbackBareGas() public

# ID

uint256 ID

# TestStructBare

struct TestStructBare {
  uint256 a;
  int32 b;
  address c;
  string d;

# TestBareComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, struct TestStructBare value) public

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view returns (struct TestStructBare)

# ID

uint256 ID

# TestStruct

struct TestStruct {
  uint256 a;
  int32 b;
  address c;
  string d;

# TestComponent

# constructor

constructor(address world) public

# getSchema

function getSchema() public pure returns (string[] keys, enum LibTypes.SchemaValue[] values)

Return the keys and value types of the schema of this component.

# set

function set(uint256 entity, struct TestStruct value) public

# getValue

function getValue(uint256 entity) public view returns (struct TestStruct)

# getEntitiesWithValue

function getEntitiesWithValue(struct TestStruct test) public view returns (uint256[])

# ID

uint256 ID

# TestSystem

Sets values of entities to newValues for the component with componentId

# constructor

constructor(contract IWorld _world, address _components) public

# execute

function execute(bytes args) public returns (bytes)

# executeTyped

function executeTyped(uint256 componentId, uint256[] entities, bytes[] newValues) public

# Utilities

# vm

contract Vm vm

# nextUser

bytes32 nextUser

# getNextUserAddress

function getNextUserAddress() external returns (address payable)

# createUsers

function createUsers(uint256 userNum) external returns (address payable[])

# mineBlocks

function mineBlocks(uint256 numBlocks) external