# recs - Reactive Entity Component System

recs is built with reactivity in mind. Components and Queries expose an update$ stream, that Systems can react to.

To build some fundamental intuition about ECS, have a look at our MUD ECS introduction.

recs is seamlessly integrated with the other MUD libraries, but can be used independently.

For detailed documentation, check out mud.dev/recs.

# Features

  • Reactive components, queries, and systems
  • Powerful queries, including advanced indirect relationship queries
  • Seamless integration with other MUD libraries and services
  • Simple, declarative API
  • Ultra high performance
  • TypeScript support

# Example

import {
} from "@latticexyz/recs";

// Create a new World
const World = createWorld();

// Define a couple components
const Position = defineComponent(world, { x: Type.Number, y: Type.Number });
const Movable = defineComponent(world, { speed: Type.Number });

// Create a new entity
const entity1 = createEntity(world, [withValue(Position, { x: 0, y: 0 }), withValue(Movable, { speed: 10 })]);

// Define a system that reacts to updates of movable entities with a position
defineSystem(world, [Has(Position), Has(Movable)], (update) => {
  console.log("Entity", update.entity, "moved to", update.value);
  // ... do stuff, like rendering the entity on the screen, etc

// Move the entity around
setInterval(() => {
  const currentPosition = getComponentValue(Position, entity1);
  const newPosition = { x: position.x + 1, y: position.y + 1 };
  setComponent(Position, entity1, newPosition);
}, 1000);

# Acknowledgements

  • Syntax originally inspired by bitECS